Rust Cleaner 1000ml
It is a concentrated descaling deoxidizer, with high degreasing power, specially formulated to eliminate rust and scale. Applied pure eliminates strong oxidation and husk, slag and sediments, while protecting surfaces with its passivating effect.
Ideal in the Naval Sector for boat maintenance, hull cleaning, screens, railings, etc.
To remove rust, apply pure RUST CLEANER by brush, sponge, gun, etc. Leave on for at least 10 minutes and then rinse with water. Repeat the operation if there is a strong oxide layer. It does not attack iron or painted surfaces. To remove calcareous scale, use 5 to 15% dissolved in water. If possible, work hot, at a temperature of about 60 oC.
Leave on for 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the thickness of the scale and the working temperature and finally, rinse with plenty of water to remove residues.
15,61€ IVA incluido
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